Talent care and training

Employee Composition

Everlight values labor rights and interests. We rigorously comply with laws and regulations. Employees will not receive unfair treatment nor be affected in their qualification for company’s rights and benefits due to race, religion, nationality or gender factors. We strictly prohibit sexual harassment and discrimination. We establish prevention measures and complaint and disciplinary policies for illegal harassment. We also offer open and smooth channels for suggestions and complaints such as sexual harassment complaint lines and an email box for employees to file their complaints.


All facility sites of Everlight have qualified for the SA8000 certification. During the report period, Everlight did not jeopardize the freedom of association nor endangered operating locations or suppliers under collective negotiation. In addition, the forced or compulsory labor cases, such as keeping IDs into custody requesting compulsory deposits and using termination of employment to threaten employees to involuntarily work overtime, did not occur.


The number of employees in 2019 increased by 267 in comparison with 2018 to meet the requirements for new products and improve overseas customer service. The employee types of the company are all full-time employees and there are no temporary employees. In 2019, the total number of employees of Everlight was 5,407 employees.

Composition of employees for Everlight in the past three years

Employee health management

Outstanding talent is Everlight’s greatest asset. Only healthy employees can guarantee stable and sustained operations. Every year, Everlight regularly arranges free employee health checkups and conducts special health checks for those who are engaged in high-risk jobs. Health management is performed in accordance with the classification of health checks. Every year, the categories for health check are adjusted based on the analysis results from the employees over the past years and the popular epidemiology to best meet the health requirements of Everlight’s employees. The Company also cooperates with Taiwan’s government policies to conduct screening of four major cancers (colorectal, breast, cervical and oral).High-risk employees will be administered by the Company’s specialized nurses. Professional doctors perform other follow-up interviews to continue monitoring.


In order to healthy physique for employees, morning is the most important time of a day. Physical exercise and gymnastics during daily morning sessions provide employees with an opportunity to soothe and stretch their tense nerves and muscles and start every workday filled with energy and vitality. In addition, Everlight also has diverse sports clubs. Through aerobics classroom and gym of the company, employees may form the habit of exercise after hard works.


Everlight cares about employees’ physical and mental health. In 2019, we continued to promote the “Employee Assistance Program” and care policies for employee injuries and their family members. We provide free email and telephone counseling lines and offer face-to-face psychologist consultation services for special cases. The scope of consultation covers psychological, family life, parenting, workplace stress and management issues so employees can concentrate more efforts on their career.

The number of Everlight employees received health check and expenses in 2019

2019 Health check in Shulin

2019 Health check in the plant

Promatian of the employee assistance program at the moming meeting

Employee occupational safety

The company received the OHSAS 18001:2007 occupational safety and health management system certification. The company is committed to reducing workplace hazards and to providing an occupational environment with employee safety and health. In addition, the company also complies with the customer requirements and relevant laws and regulations in seeking the sustainable development of the company. Everlight plants changed the version to the ISO 45001 occupational safety and health management system one after another in 2019 and acquired the ISO 45001 occupational safety and health management system certificate in 2020.


Everlight has formulated a health and safety inspection plan to prevent occupational accidents at the workplace. This plan includes regular inspections of health and safety related facilities, fire protection facilities, low-voltage electrical equipment, operations involving hazardous materials, desiccating equipment, and type II pressure vessels as well as spot inspections of operations involving organic solvents and regular and special inspections of vehicles. A safety related communication mechanism has been established for equipment suppliers and process equipment and facility locations of the company to alleviate potential risks associated with existing and new machinery. In addition to special inspections prior to routine operations and construction safety management in the field of engineering safety, the company implements operational controls regarding high risks and dangers. Everlight regularly conducts occupational injury prevention measures, such as chemicals leaking drills, fire and evacuation drills, fire knowledge promotion, fire report, and electrical appliance safety protection, to improve the responding speed of employees in emergency cases, reduce accidents, and enhance workplace safety protection.


In 2019, Everlight has been promoting employee/family injury and illness cares measures. Through continuous caring of employees’ health condition and assistance, the company allows employees to rest and heal without worries and return to work soon. By the joint effort of Everlight employees, no occupational disease and injury case was reported in Taiwan and overseas plants in 2019, which indicates that Everlight attaches great importance to the health of employees.


Our Shulin plant has a safety and health committee. There are 15 members and 10 are labor representatives, accounting for 66.66% of the committee. The Yuanli plant in Miaoli has a safety and health committee. There are 9 members in the committee and 3 of them are labor representatives, accounting for 33.33% of the committee The Tongluo plant also has a safety and health committee. There are 14 members in the committee and 5 of them are labor representatives, accounting for 35.7%.The Suzhou plant has an environmental safety department, with 4 people responsible for health and safety and environmental protection. The Zhongshan plant has an environmental safety department with 2 members responsible for health and safety and environmental protection issues.

Regular evacuation and fire task force training af Shuin Plant

On-site fire drill

Emergency rescue drill

Eledtrical appliance salety prodection

Canvene review meeting

Fire dirill at Tangluo plant

Fire drill course at Tongluo plant

Elextrical saifety protection at Tangluo plant

Talent Cultivation and Development

Employees are the material human resource capital. The company consistently pursues the improvement of profession. In all major operation locations, employees will not be treated unfairly due to different genders and types. The company provides comprehensively planned education training to different employees, which allows them to improve knowledge and skills. Talent training is the key link for the creation of core competitiveness in pursuit of the CSR goals and commitment to sustainable corporate operations. Everlight views talent cultivation and training as a key management indicator. The goal is to train professionals in the field of LED optics and other areas for the company and the whole country to enhance national competitiveness.


Everlight opens its doors to numerous trainees to develop professional talent from orientation training for new employees to the cultivation of key talent. The company also uses the Everlight e-Learning platform to customize tailor-made training programs and establish a comprehensive learning environment.


The 2019 training at the headquarters focused on the continuous demonstration of the R&D talent role model project, the group of successors, and the development of the flipped education. For the required R&D system courses deriving from the R&D talent role model project, instructions from the Industrial Technology Development Institute, Tze-Chiang Foundation of Science & Technology, and other professional institutions were invited to give lectures and 203 engineers were cultivated during the training.


According to the survey conducted by a human resource agency, 86% of the enterprises in Taiwan “did not” have a successor plan. However, this plan must be taken into account in the sustainable development strategy of the enterprise. The training department has stated planning cultivation of successors by group since 2018.After a series of assessment and analysis of personal characters and advantages, individualized courses are arranged for cultivation based on a systematic structure. The training for the first group of successors was completed in 2019 and subsequent training will be provided on an ongoing basis to cultivate more powerful successors for the talent pool of Everlight.


Total training hours for employees in 2019 (Taiwan)

Total training hours for employees in 2019 (China)

Human right courses

We are committed to promoting corporate social responsibility and human rights protection, incorporating them into our organizational culture and daily operations, and conducting the corresponding sustainable management. We further show our long-term commitment to society and work together with the employees, customers, suppliers/contractors, and other stakeholders to march toward a sustainable future of equal human rights and dignity, endless development of the earth, and peaceful and prosperous society.


The company establishes a theme zone on the internal platform, which allows employees to inquire and understand information of SA8000 policy and declaration of anti-sexual harassment. Everlight continues to conduct basic training for new employees and training for current employees through diverse methods like promotion to all employees. The courses include the meaning and cognition of the SA8000 and CSR system and human rights issues like human rights, environmental protection, health and safety, moral standards, anti-sexual harassment regulations, and trade secrets regulations.


Taiwan (HQ, Yuanli Plant, Tongluo Plant):



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